Thyroid RFA & Thyroid Ablation CPT® Code for Insurance Reimbursement

It’s now easier than ever to expand your service offerings and improve patient outcomes with radiofrequency ablation. Connect with us for reimbursement support or to learn how to implement thyroid RFA into your clinical practice.

As of December 9th, 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services(CMS) has established the official CPT® codes for percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of the thyroid. These codes are officially effective as of January 1st, 2025. The assignment of specific CPT® codes signifies acceptance of thyroid RFA as a standard medical procedure. Coverage may vary by payer and policy and pre-authorization may be required. Currently, the following insurance companies provide reimbursement for this treatment:

What are the CPT ® codes for Thyroid Ablation?

The introduction of Category 1 CPT® Codes 60660 and 60661 for Thyroid Nodule Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) marks a major step forward in making this minimally invasive treatment more accessible to patients and providers. These codes allow for structured billing, improving the reimbursement process for thyroid RFA treatments.

CPT Code Description
60660 Ablation of 1 or more thyroid nodule(s), one lobe or the isthmus, percutaneous, including imaging guidance, radiofrequency
60661 Ablation of 1 or more thyroid nodule(s), additional lobe, percutaneous, including imaging guidance, radiofrequency (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
*Use 60661 in conjunction with 60660

Insurance Reimbursement Support is Available from STARmed

STARmed goes above and beyond to provide clinicians with the support they need to implement RFA into their practice. We’re eager to help physicians and patients navigate the insurance process through our STAR Support Program. You can also contact us with questions by calling 323-692-0028.

Frequently Asked Questions

Thyroid RFA is currently insurance covered under the CPT ® codes 60660 and 60661. However, coverage for thyroid RFA is determined by a patient’s medical situation, insurance coverage, and the determination of their insurance provider.

Some patients may require preauthorization to receive coverage. Consider working with a STARmed reimbursement specialist to ensure your patients can afford the safe, effective care they deserve.

As of January 1, 2025, Medicare and qualifying insurance plans will use CPT codes 60660 and 60661 for the radiofrequency ablation of one or more thyroid nodules under imaging guidance. It must be performed in a hospital outpatient department, ambulatory surgical center, or doctor’s office.

Previously, insurance companies only processed thyroid RFA as an “unlisted endocrine procedure.” In contrast, the new CPT codes specific language describing the procedure and its applications.

The existence of the new CPT code demonstrates that thyroid RFA is a high-quality, research-backed treatment. The existence of a code will make billing, communication, and processing more streamlined and efficient. Thus, patients seeking coverage will likely face fewer hurdles during the process.

CPT® Code information: American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), Federal Register
Disclaimer: The information contained in this email is provided for informational purposes only and represents no statement, promise or guarantee by STARmed America concerning reimbursement, payment, or charges. Similarly, all CPT Codes are supplied for informational purposes only and represent no statement, promise, or guarantee by STARmed America that these code selections will be appropriate for a given service or that reimbursement will be due. STARmed strongly recommends consultation with each respective Payor organization regarding coverage of STARmed America products or services.